What are the Key Characteristics of your team? What are the Critical Actions that every team member needs to do everyday? 

Join host, Dr. Cliff and co-host, Dr. Joseph Esposito as Align Your Practice helps you understand and create clarity on your vision. Now is the time to put this into Characteristics and Actions. This is where the rubber meets the road. Learn how to show create clarity for you, your team and practice! Let’s dive in and see how to create these documents so that your team can take action and so you hire the right team.

Do you feel like you have struggles or challenges in these areas, this episode will help you understand and fill in the gaps and create the life and practice of your dreams. 


Key Points:

Key Characteristics


  • What will this do for yourself or your organization?


  • What will this do for yourself or your organization?


  • What will this do for yourself or your organization?

Critical Actions


  • What will this do for yourself or your organization?


  • What will this do for yourself or your organization?


  • What will this do for yourself or your organization?


Resources Mentioned

Download the AlignLife Constitution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14vkmY9TIJeioTCZz-O-uqh-DAQWFFAab/view?usp=sharing


About the Host:

Dr Clifford J Fisher

Dr Cliff Fisher – Owns several offices all over the US and has a coaching business Dream Leadership Institute to help people find the greatest version of themselves. He will help you get to a foundational understanding to create the business and life that align with your being.  


Dr. Joseph Esposito, CEO

Dr. Joseph Esposito, D.C., C.C.N. C.N.S., C.C.S.P., D.A.B.C.N., F.A.A.I.M. C.T.N., is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AlignLife. As such, he is responsible for the direction of AlignLife as it expands further across a dynamic and rapidly changing health care landscape. Dr. Esposito has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of businesses, including chiropractic, nutrition, technology and internet marketing.

Dr. Esposito has extensive post-graduate academic accomplishments, as well as 15 years of experience managing successful chiropractic clinics in multiple states. He also is founder and CEO of Aceva LLC, a service-based nutritional company providing products and services to the AlignLife clinics. As the former CFO of an internet publishing company, Dr. Esposito understands the power of leveraging the internet to impact the lives of millions of Americans.

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Schedule 30 minutes with Dr Cliff







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AYP Intro/Outro:

Align Your Practice podcast with Dr. Cliff Fisher where your best practice and life awaits you. Are you tired of running a practice on your own. We want to come alongside you with experts to help you create your dream practice in your dream life. Here is your host

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

I try Welcome back to Align Your Practice with Dr. Cliff and Dr. Joe brought to you by line life, where we're going to we want to give you the tools to find and create your aligned life. And so we've been just Joe and I like what was your statement? You teach once and you learn TWICE, Like I thought that was killer. And I totally

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

when you teach you, you learn twice. So when you and I have been spending so much time refining this, it's really exciting to deliver this message that so I explained so many different ways by so many different people, I think it's create some confusion in the business world, not just chiropractic or, you know, in all aspects in all industries.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

And I know, it's been clarifying. And it's nice to be able to have a conversation with you, because I've taught this to my team, but like the challenge is you and I have back and forth like we haven't agreed on everything. But we're like, oh, cool. That's a great point. And we just keep refining, refining. And so I really appreciate your insights.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

And I think one of the things we came to was that we want to keep things short and precise so they can be recited and owned by your team. This statement by Cliff said, his is to restore health. What a powerful statement that doesn't embody all the energy that's needed to permeate through your mission to realize your vision, because it's a couple of words, but it has a lot of meaning. The mission statement may be a sentence long, but it may need some more juice behind it to understand the essence of your mission. And then your vision, you can have a vision statement. But we started right off the bat having a vision story, which I love. So one of the realizations we had is you can build a story behind your purpose, your mission and your vision. The story of your purpose is the story of your Why mine is my father receiving a drug in the hospital that he did not need. And he received through an injection and died within a minute later or a few minutes after. Cliff has a story about chronic headaches that derailed his life. And that's a story. So writing a purpose story, and then coming up with a purpose statement. And Cliff and I both have like a two word purpose statement that our staff can resonate our patients can understand. But the story behind it brings that energy that's needed to drive the purpose through the mission to realize the patient. So that's an additional clarity that we want you to use that you're gonna have a vision story we talked about, but you can also have a purpose story and a mission story as to why I'm sorry, as to how you're going to accomplish your vision. So that was that was great, right cliff? Having that clarity?

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah, it was really powerful to start to understand this. Because I've taught it and I've had them in I've had mentors in it. But then as Joe and I are breaking it down, and Joe keeps calling me out on things. He's like, Well, what about this? What about that? I'm like, I never thought about that. And then it's helping me refine, like, what are you gonna put out there because what we need to put out there needs to be as simple as possible. Because anything that's complex, people aren't gonna grasp. And it always starts out complex. And then and then you create simplicity.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

Yeah, so statements are short stories, or longer and stories is the juice that will help your teams understand everything behind you and your your mission. Okay, so now we're going to use some ancillary things that you can add to the core that we've been over, we have done core values, we've done mission, vision, I mean, our purpose, mission vision, those are cool that we showed last time. And now we're on to some other values that you can utilize, we want you to get the core first, if you have that down, here's some additional things that you can add to this core ideology or the constitution of your business.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

And I think these next four tools are really going to help create clarity, and will help elevate the primary for like the core for great. And so what we're gonna talk about today is key characteristics critical actions. And then we're also going to talk about a product statement and an affirmation. First, we're going to start off with key characteristics. So these are characteristics that every team member on your team needs to have for you to accomplish your mission. So that's the purpose of key characteristics and so I feel like key characteristics is probably more about hiring, like bringing on the right person, because once they're on your team, it's probably too late. If you can't really change somebody's characteristics, it's like getting married and wanting to change your partner or spouse.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

Yeah, so I think you can put it in your ad. So I just simple examples is like, be on time, be prompt, be organized, be well dressed or professional, you know, those are just ideas that I had. And you had some that were more purposeful, like, the profit minded, that's a concept. Now you may, there's no exact science guys, that profit minded could be a core value, like one of your main core values, or it could be a key characteristic that if I hire you, in your department, you have to be profit minded, because everyone on the team has to be respectful of cost, and revenue. I love that as a characteristic. But I'm just letting you guys know that could be actually become strong enough to be a core value. Like for instance, outcome focused is a core value of ours and align life, and you have a key characteristic. So there is no exact science, this has to be what's in your heart what you believe, but characteristics to both cliff and I are stage down from values, which is the strongest rock core values, the core, the base, the foundation values, doesn't mean there's no other characteristics, people should have their extended characteristics, that to me are table stakes to hire you, you need to have boom, boom, boom, these seven things. And you put that right in your ad, right into your ad when you're looking for new employees.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah, once you have the language, then it makes it a lot easier to grow your team faster, and grow it more intentionally. And I love what Joe was saying about hiring, like I have my do's and don'ts. Like if people show up late like, it's usually a quick conversation, we're probably not the right place. Because we're on our first date, you're showing up late like, probably, that's probably not gonna be the last time I see you late. And so and that drives me crazy, because integrity is one of my personal core values. So then, that really challenges that. So the key characteristics are what every team member needs to have for you to accomplish it. And then the other thing is placed it in rank order, like things have to be ranked in a priority, because I want people to know like profit minded is our number one key characteristic that we need on our team, because we can't serve if we have to shut our doors. And if we don't make profit, we have to shut our doors. And so and then outcome focus is our second leadership abilities. Third, go back to that same thing, that core values, when we did that lesson on that, and you just compare profit, it was more important profit minded or being outcome focused on miners profit minded, like, so that's how you rank order these things. And if you have more, try to limit key characteristics. Again, probably five to 10. Five would be better. But if there's 10, like just like Joe said, like, you know, like some things are just table stakes. And that's what this is trying to define, or is defining is like, what do people have to have to be part of your organization? Excellent. Excellent. All right. So critical actions, one of my favorite because all day we can talk about these great thoughts. But if nobody takes action, nothing happens. So Joe, I know you're, you're crucial and critical you kill action taking.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

So yeah, I don't have these inside of a line life. But there's something that I want to add, after you taught me this particular component. Critical actions, to me would be to prepare for your day. So the day doesn't start when you're coming to the office, the day starts on your rituals and the way you've set up your day for success. So that would be a critical action. For me. Critical action is also to review analytics, to match them to your change your behaviors to in lieu of your analytics, if they've changed, you need to change behaviors to change numbers. So something along that line. So I like critical action because they're because they're actions. They're not like you're saying they're not concepts that are cultures. The rest of all of it is like a cultural, the way you process your thinking. This is a nice mindset here where you can attach their thinking and their culture, to how are they going to proceed and they're going to act. I really, really liked this stuff. I think it's a great addition to a core ideology.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Thanks. And so a couple things. So criminal actions, what they need to do, they must contribute to the mission. So again, everything has to flow up. What will this do for yourself or your mission? To it has to symbolize a way of life. This is how we act. This is our culture. This is what we do. And they must be repeatable. They can't be you can't have to be like this super special person that only you can do this one thing. They have to be done by everybody and be able to be repeatable and done every day. So the ones that I had for how about for my companies are, we listen, we care, we get results. And then we go through and just define them. But the great thing about this is it allows us to create expectations for team members. So they know what to expect, and what we expect from them. And so,

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

yeah, I love that I think this. I think once you have your core, the purpose mission vision, it's going to be a lot easier to graduate that to what you're saying here with the critical actions

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

100%. So we listen, we care, we get results, I love it, it's an it's a nice thing. It's a nice mantra. And that can even be turned into an affirmation. So again, the more places you can have the same thing you want to be, you want to repeat things. So people's eyes start to roll, especially with your team. Because we think all we share at once, I don't want to over tell it, I don't want to over share it. And so that's what's happening with that one. And so that is your critical action. So what are the critical actions that every team member has to do every day for you to reach your mission to accomplish your mission? To accomplish your vision? That's what your critical actions are. mission statement, we already did purpose statement, we did premise statement we already did. Oh, we didn't do premise statement. So we got to dive back into premise statement. So our premise statement is that core belief, what do we believe? What is our core belief based on? And so what we have in ours is families that are in our office or happier, healthier and safer period. And so a premise statement, is that core belief like what do you believe in your core? And so that's what we came up with our premise statement, which is our core belief.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

Yeah, a core beliefs I think are great. And that's something that I would bring into your every day discussions with your teams, are we following that belief system, because that will help grow a practice just that statement there where you're doing your market, and you know, people are healthier in office that's hands down, we know they're healthier, and it's going to drive a lot of energy, to create action, to create momentum to great conviction to get the job done. So this usually falls in line with the with those three. So you start with that base, and then you can build these additional pieces from your, your purpose, mission vision.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Exactly. Then we do a product statement. So what do you bring to the marketplace? How do you add value? What do you deliver? What do you sell? What do you solve? What are people buying? And so and I forget who said it, but said if you want to make a million dollars, help a million people? Like in that space? So, you know, how do you show up? What do you bring to the marketplace? What's your unique selling proposition? This is kind of what we're that is, you know, do you do a special technique? Some of the things I love about a line life we do. We do X ray, we do bloodwork, we you know, we do a bunch of unique things that not a lot of other people do. Other people do parts of them, but they don't do all of them. And so that's really the uniqueness is what's the collaboration of the things that you do.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

Now, this is great, I think this is the final piece of the full matrix is understanding that product or your product could be a service, it's still in context of this, it would be considered a product, even though you're delivering a service in this context.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

So and a couple like that I had is like edeline life we bring the chiropractic to to the we bring care to chiropractic a comprehensive approach to family health and wellness. That includes chiropractic, blood based nutrition orthotics, to support each person on the inside and on the out to live their greatest life. So that could be a product statement. Family Chiropractic care for the whole family for their whole life to live their greatest life could be another product statement. And so as you're going through that and defining that like what are you why are you there? And then finally, the last one is an affirmation statement. I love I have personal affirmations and I love having an affirmation statement that our whole team they could they would know memorize we'd say after every meeting, and I put in a couple different examples here we listen we care we get results. We're champions providing legendary education and care to a global community one family at a time. We are champions building human to human relationships to create a healthier more conscious planet. So something that like it's almost like that rallying call where your team's like okay cool like a huddle break like you know Go Eagles whatever the team is right like It's like that rally call like we listened we care we get results. Let's go to work like that would be you know, saving lives.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

puts that puts your mind in a state. Tony Robbins talks about getting into state It's like a position of mental and energetic position. So that statement, we we listen, we care we get results is exactly that that's get into state. That's what an affirmation statement does is get you into state, your physiology, your hormones, your mind, your action is all your in state. And that's how you want to get into the the shift of the practice is getting into state. So I love this concept. I love using this right before you break, or the beginning of a shift, especially the doctors on the floor.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Because everybody has all these things going on outside. And it's like the huddle, we're getting huddle than we do our affirmation of break. It's like now you're present for that patient. So. So Joe, I know we've covered a lot in this episode. All these things are in the PDF. These are all the tools that we've seen. And I'll be honest, I think Joe and I are going to create a couple more after doing this, we're like, okay, cool, we can simplify this, we're going to take away some put some in. But these are the ones up when we started this, these episodes that we came to. So this is a space, sit down, go through create these tools. So you have them in your tool belt, you'll know when to use them. And if you need help and guidance in that, there are the links to schedule with Joe or myself, you can schedule with either one of us on that if you have a conversation about aligning all the tools that we talked about, that would be the space. So if you want to talk about your vision, your vision story, your purpose statement, your premise, your core values, your mission statement, your key characteristics, your critical actions, affirmations, if you want help with that, because I know one of the reasons we do this podcast for me is, you know, we can't lose another chiropractor. And so we want our chiropractors to be on purpose on mission have the tools they need to create the greatest life. And we just want to be there to support however we can.

Dr. Joseph Esposito:

And if anyone's interested in the Align life opportunity, right, that vision story schedule some time with me, let us let us hear it, let us resonate. And let us help guide you through that and see if there's something we can serve to level up your vision and make it a reality sooner faster, cheaper and easier. So we'd love that opportunity to have that open discussion. But great session, I think this this campaign of core ideology that we just closed up, I hope brings massive value to a lot of the practitioners that actually engaged in doing the work. So you got to do the work to get the outcome. So if you haven't, if you're watching this one as the first time, go back for Episode three episodes, and start from the top, and walk through the core ideology, or as Cliff says, The Constitution of your business, the identity of your business, go through it, refine it, do the exercises, reach out when you need some help. And we're we're really excited for you to take your business to the next level.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Awesome. And so I think something's coming up for me, if you guys are thinking about reaching out to just click on the link, just reach out to Joe like, you'll get so much out of that conversation no matter where it goes. Or me. So don't miss that option. If you're thinking about doing it, just do it. action takers, you know, is where success lives. So take action. create these reach out to us if you need us. But get out there and save lives. People are depending on you. And thank you and I look forward to seeing you guys next week. Have a great day.