Join host, Dr. Cliff and Special Guest Adam Carroll as Align Your Practice helps you understand and create clarity on your financial leadership and vision. 

Episode 45: Mastering the Fundamentals of Investing for Wealth Creation

In this pivotal episode, we delve into the essential role that investing plays in wealth creation and the journey toward financial freedom. We shed light on why investing isn’t a luxury, but a necessity for those aiming to build a secure and prosperous financial future.

The episode begins by demystifying the basic investment concepts and options. We explore the world of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, explaining their distinct features and potential returns. More than just a primer, we show you how these financial instruments serve as the bedrock of any successful investment strategy.

Our discussion then pivots to the barriers that often prevent people from entering the investment world. We dismantle the myth that investing is only for the wealthy or the financially savvy. By outlining practical strategies and resources, we demonstrate how anyone can start investing, even with limited funds or knowledge.

The episode wouldn’t be complete without tackling the concepts of diversification and risk management. We discuss the importance of spreading investments across different assets to mitigate risks and enhance potential returns. We offer insights into striking the right balance between risk and reward, a key aspect often overlooked by novice investors.

Lastly, we provide valuable tips on choosing the right financial advisor or investment platform. We cover what to look for, what questions to ask, and how to avoid common pitfalls. This guidance is designed to help listeners find trusted partners to support their investing journey.

Join us in Episode 45 as we demystify the world of investing and provide the tools you need to start building your wealth. Whether you’re a beginner just dipping your toes in the investment waters or an experienced investor looking for a refresher, this episode has something for everyone. 

How to bring this into your culture and your life to create the alignlife.

Do you feel like you have struggles or challenges in these areas, this episode will help you understand and fill in the gaps and create the life and practice of your dreams. 

About the Host:

Dr. Clifford J Fisher

Dr. Cliff Fisher – Owns several offices all over the US and has a coaching business Dream Leadership Institute to help people find the greatest version of themselves. He will help you get to a foundational understanding to create the business and life that align with your being.  


Dr. Joseph Esposito, CEO

Dr. Joseph Esposito, D.C., C.C.N. C.N.S., C.C.S.P., D.A.B.C.N., F.A.A.I.M. C.T.N., is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AlignLife. As such, he is responsible for the direction of AlignLife as it expands further across a dynamic and rapidly changing healthcare landscape. Dr. Esposito has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of businesses, including chiropractic, nutrition, technology, and internet marketing.

Dr. Esposito has extensive post-graduate academic accomplishments, as well as 15 years of experience managing successful chiropractic clinics in multiple states. He also is the founder and CEO of Aceva LLC, a service-based nutritional company providing products and services to the AlignLife clinics. As the former CFO of an internet publishing company, Dr. Esposito understands the power of leveraging the internet to impact the lives of millions of Americans.

Special Guest: Adam Carroll, CEO Founder + Chief Educator


Adam Carroll has decades of experience working with families and business owners who are interested in creating massive efficiencies when it comes to their income and wealth-building capacity. With an unwavering commitment to helping people make the most of the money they make, while limiting risk, reducing tax liabilities, and increasing liquidity, Adam Carroll has spent 15 years helping people do more with the money they make. He is an internationally recognized financial literacy expert, author of three Amazon best-sellers, a two-time TED talk speaker with over 6 million views on YouTube and, and is the creator of the Broke, Busted & Disgusted documentary which aired on CNBC and is shown in hundreds of high schools and colleges across the country. He is the host of the Build A Bigger Life podcast, the curator of and founder of The Shred Method™.

TED talk:


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AYP Intro/Outro:

align your practice podcast with Dr. Cliff Fisher where your best practice and life awaits you. Are you tired of running a practice on your own. We want to come alongside you with experts to help you create your dream practice in your dream life. Here is your host

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

all right tribe Welcome to align your practice with Dr. Cliff and special guests, Adam Carroll brought to you by line life where we want to give you the tools to find and create your line life. And so today, we're gonna be talking about investing basics and wealth creation and infinite banking. And we've kind of thrown these concepts around. I'm super excited. I know, we've been doing a lot of things on like, okay, you know, how do we budget and then you know, how do we take care of our student loan, then budget and then creating the meeting rhythms. And so now we're gonna take that to the next iteration. So like, once you have your, you know, your peace of mind account, then you'll be ready to start to creating wealth. And what's the tools because I think so many of us get to that point, and we don't know what to do. And so I'm super excited with Adam on this, I just, I'm going to share a story that I heard from Roberto Monaco that I think really summarizes what we're going to be talking about why this part is so critical. And so he shared this story about this family that this really special family tradition where they all get together and whoever's birthday would whose ever birthday it was they would get together. And they would get that many wishes. So if they were turning 11, they would get 11 wishes, if they were turning 21, they would have 21. If they were turning 40, they got 40. So this was a special birthday for the daddy was 40 years old. So the whole family gathered around there, the chocolate cake, they blew out the candles. And then they said, Papa, I want to hear all your wishes. And so he pulled out his big list and everybody was so excited. And the Easter he started off, like I want to take my wife on an amazing vacation, I want to take the kids to Disneyland, I want to get a new car. It's everybody's cheering them on. And, you know, really exciting. And, you know, so then let's fast forward a year. So it was a great birthday, everybody, you know, happened and then the next year you turn 41. So should be better, because you have 41 wishes. And so but this year, here's so instead of pulling out this big list of 41 wishes, he actually pulled out one wish because what happened was he was diagnosed with cancer that year. And so his only wish that he had was I just want to be healthy again. And so when we have our health and when we have our wealth, we can have all the wishes we want. But when we have when we don't have those than we can't that's it, we That's our only thing we're wishing and wanting for and so what we want to talk about today is like what's that vehicle? How do we do that? How do we invest in things that are congruent with what we believe in and support our life? So it's not like one of the things that I saw in practice, Adam, and I don't know if you see this, but I would see in practice, they're like, Man, if I know when I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care myself. Yeah, it's I feel like that's a springboard for like the financial conversation. If I don't, I was gonna live this long, I would have saved better.

Adam Carroll:

I'm so healthy shoot, I forgot to save. That's the problem for a lot of people, right? Yep. Yeah, it's so true and work today I what I want to share with your listeners is really some strategies on how to build that how to how to build, and I would even call it certainty into what the future financial situation looks like Cliff. Candidly, I have some family members who, in the midst of the economic downturn, this last year, they're on fixed income, they're drawing against their assets, they're living their lifestyle, they've always lived. However, they you know, with with the market fluctuation and having to draw against their assets, the fear now is will outlive my money. And, and I never want that to happen, right? For anyone, like our clients, especially our goal should be to create absolute certainty that you have plenty of money to live out your entire life and live the way you want to. But you've got to be very intentional about how you're building that.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah. And I think it starts with the five episodes before this, it'll lead up to this. It's like, if you're doing all those things, this part becomes easier. I'm not gonna say it's easy, but it's easier. And it's just the discipline of doing that. And then I think, where I see most of the our doctors lose it is they don't really know what to do with it. They don't know where to go. Yeah. And so then they get jammed up. And so I think, like getting with you talking about that, I think would be a great thing. As we dive into this.

Adam Carroll:

This is why I think this show is so important that you're sharing with dogs how to how to live in a line life and having money be a part of that. I want to give everyone a buy. That's that's listing all your tribe that you've done really well at making money. But maybe you don't know where it should go. Yeah, I want to give you a buy like this is not your fault. You have studied, you've gone through school, you've learned how to do what you do really well. You're you're good at it. You have high EP high earning potential. And you're not alone. I can't tell you how many clients we encounter that maybe have been in business for five years or 10 years. And they wake up one day and they're like, I'm making incredible money. I just, I don't know where it's going. And I have no idea what to do with it. Oh my gosh, yeah, we tell them well, you know, through sheer persistence and stick to itiveness, congrats, you've made it. Yeah, let's actually cement the fact that you've made it and create certainty into the future about where this money goes, and how you're gonna leverage it.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah. And so I know, a couple of the topics we've been talking about is, like the infinite banking and how we use that I would love to understand that better because I have it and I don't. And as we're talking, I'm learning like, I'm not using it at all how I'm supposed to. But I was like, Oh, I was told to get it. But then I didn't have somebody to help follow up. Like, here's how you use that tool?

Adam Carroll:

Yes, yeah. And using the tool is really important. Because we talked about, like, you can have a whole garage full of tools that you don't know how to use, right? And somebody's like, man, you must build some incredible furniture, you're like, I have no idea what to do. Somebody just told me I needed all this stuff. Unfortunately, that's how a lot of advisors operate too well, you need this, you need this, you need this. And somebody's like, I don't even know why I have this in my portfolio. So let's talk about why you would have infinite banking and what how you might use yours. Infinite Banking, at the very heart of this is a process, not a product. So I need to make sure that is super clear to everyone that if you are involved in infinite banking, it is not necessarily about the product that you're buying, though that is a component. It's about the process of how the money flows through. That makes up infinite banking. That's what makes it a thing. So I want to house all of what we're going to talk about today, Cliff, in the idea that I have been in the pursuit of mastery of money for a long time. Yeah. So for the last 2025 years, I have, every year I'll pick up a dozen books on personal finance or investing principles or real estate stock market insurance. And I just want to develop and deepen my own understanding of it. I would consider myself farther up the hill of mastery than where some people might might place themselves. And and it doesn't matter where you're at in the process. You could be in the foothills, you could barely be at the trailhead, you might be at the convenience store on your way to the trailhead.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Filling up with gas, I'm headed, I just got out of school, I just got my student loan.

Adam Carroll:

That's it. That's it. That's exactly right. So wherever you're at in the process, some of the things I'm going to share with you are what you don't know you don't know. Okay. And what I want you to do is, is just if you're intrigued enough, get into inquiry about it, where you're willing to go investigate, because that's really the key to starting to pursue the path of mastery is just study, learn, study, grow, ask questions, listen to shows like yours. So I applaud everybody for being here and listening to it. And know that, you know, in the path of mastery, this mountain that has no peak, some of what I'm going to share on today's show is a little bit higher up the peak, perhaps, because we're going to talk about things some people are like, I have no idea how I would do that. And I would say you don't yet, but you will. So and with that.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah, and with that I like and that's why I think this is so valuable. So if you're just coming out of school in your graduating like, I don't even have any of the things we talked about, you're going through the first four episodes, you're like, okay, cool. I'm gonna start, you know, creating a budget, like this is the place of this is really where you're working towards so and if you're already there, you're like, Oh, cool. I don't know what to do with it, then this is a perfect episode for that whole conversation.

Adam Carroll:

Absolutely. Yeah, I would say that for folks who are consistent and predictable in their income, they're setting money aside, you've got an emergency fund, you're, you know, maybe you're getting things paid down or paid off, whether you have car payments still or not kind of irrelevant. We'll talk about that. And now you're going Okay, it looks like we'll have some pretty decent size distributions or dividends at the end of the year. What should we do with this? Yeah, this would be a good place for you. So let me first share that that the Infinite Banking concept that process is based on a product known as a overfunded cash value, whole life policy, and sometimes you can insert an indexed universal life policy in there as well. So either an IUL or a whole life policy is really what we're after. Ideally, these are purchased through a mutual company. This would be like a mass mutual Penn mutual mutual companies are owned by their policyholders to a function sort of like a credit union does. Okay, right. We're a credit union is owned by its members. It's not owned by shareholders, okay. A mutual insurance company would be the same. Do you know who yours is with

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

a pen with pen mutual?

Adam Carroll:

So pen and pen is a great company they paid they pay dividends and have paid dividends for 80 or 100 years straight? Right? Yeah, I mean, it's just a lot of these insurance companies, mass Penn, Northwestern Mutual, they've been around for decades, some a century or more. And so, you know, if you're looking for longevity, these are the kinds of companies you're looking at. So what questions come to mind for you first off cliff that that some of your tribe might be asking.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

So I think the first thing is like, some people have heard of whole life and Term Life. And sometimes they don't know the difference, I think the differentiation between like, what's the benefit of a whole life versus a term? And then what, what's the benefit of a term? Because I always tell people, you just got to pick your problems. There's benefits and problems with both or challenges. And so what are they? And what's the vehicle? And what's the use form? Because I'm super clear on what I had them for. But I'd be curious, in your perspective,

Adam Carroll:

this is a great question. So the way I would describe them is that if you have a term life policy, you are renting your life insurance, okay? And if you have a whole life policy, you own your life insurance. Well, here's what I mean, term life. And it's really in the name right term life versus Whole Life, whole life suggests that your whole life is insured in a whole life policy. So once you have a whole life policy in place, if you got it in your 20s, or 30s. And you can track a kidney disease, or diabetes or something later in life, it would be nearly impossible for you to go get a term life policy, because now you have this condition that could be terminal. And, and the insurance company, you know, there are actuaries who are predicting lifespan, and they're trying to figure out how are we going to make money on these premiums every single year over the length of time that this person is going to be with us? So term life actually is a very profitable product for most insurance companies, because they never pay out. Right? If you have a 20 year level term, you bought it at 25 at 45. And expires. The company's like thanks for your premiums, appreciate it. Right erode, right? Yep. Or if you want to upgrade. Now, your premium is this because you're a little bit older, and we're not sure we can insure you for 20 or 30 years now. Whereas in a whole life policy, when once you buy it, you're guaranteed insurance for the rest of your life, so long as the premium payments are made. And so you know, again, in the name whole life is your entire life. Term Life would be a temporary period of time a term of time that you're buying insurance for you're renting it versus buying it.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

And so for me, like the reason I got my term, so I had a young family, I had, you know, kids who I wanted to be able to go to college and stuff like that. So term was like, literally, like, probably 90% cheaper or less expensive than whole life at the time, because I was like you said 20 something. So I was able to get a couple million dollars of Term insurance that would cover me until my kids got out of the house. And also it makes sure that my wife and my family was taken care of so at a lower cost. And then it allowed me to be more aggressive with my companies, because I knew if anything happened to me, and I passed away, they would be covered. And the whole life I got for the reason you said but then the part I'm missing. And the part I really want to dive into today is like I got it, and I'm paying into it, and I have the cash value. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm excited to see the cash value going up versus like, I should be excited to be like, okay, cool. How can I use that money to invest? So I can start to create that flywheel effect that so often gets that I've been missing? You know, for the last I'm on the same around the same period, I've had mine for about five or six years, as well. And so yeah.

Adam Carroll:

Well, first of all, let me say shame on the person who sold a team that didn't follow up and say, okay, Cliff, here's what we do with this.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah, right. In fact, what's that? Yeah, right. Like, I think that like, so as a chiropractor listening, like, you know, that's the difference between a pain management chiropractor and an A proactive wellness chiropractor, like, yes. So make sure you're investing. And I think that's what I'm really finding about Adam is it's it's not about the product, it's about the process. And just like chiropractic, it's not about the adjustment, it's about the process. Right? And so, just like you said, find somebody who's going to be with you, like and help you along this path. And that's what I'm learning I need now. Yeah,

Adam Carroll:

yeah. And, you know, for what it's worth, the people who sell these, I mean, I'm, I'm gonna paint with a very broad brush. So forgive me if I have any insurance agents listening that are offended by this. But a lot of people get into the insurance business, but they don't really know what their product is. They don't know what they're selling, or they don't know the ability, how they can use it, in addition, because all they know is what they know, they know, insurance and they don't know the other pieces of it. Right? So here's how you would use it. And here's how other people can use the Infinite Banking policies. When I say this is a process, not a product. What I mean by that is in creating an infinite Bank, which is what we're doing with these Whole Life policies, you're Creating a bank of money that you then have access to, to use however, and whenever you see fit. The differentiator here between going to a bank and borrowing from yourself would be that when you borrow from a bank, all the interest goes back to the bank and goes to the shareholders and all of that, when you're borrowing from yourself, you get to decide when how, and if it's paid back at what interest rate, you have full control over those funds. And this is unlike any other product out there. Because even in a 401 k loan, you could borrow money out of your 401k. But if the money is taken out of there, right, it may not be growing. Like it's literally taking away from your balance and borrowing money out. Whereas in a whole life policy, if you have $100,000 cash value in your policy, and you pulled out 50 grand to buy a car, invest in a business or pay for college, you're actually earning on 100,000, still, you know, the companies, these mutual companies pay both a contracted amount or return, usually a point and a half to two and a half percent. And then they also pay dividends, which could be another two and a half percent. Okay. And it's always on, you know, whatever full amount was in the cash value of that policy.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah, so and I just want to double click on that, because I just want you guys to hear that because it took me two laughs And so $100,000 value, you borrow 50, you only have $50,000 cash value left, but you're still getting, they're still paying you on the 100,000, which is huge. And it exponentially gets bigger when you have two, three, and when you have a half million dollars, like that's a becomes a way bigger number and you can leverage a lot of that money.

Adam Carroll:

Absolutely. And leveraging it is really where when we work with folks at the shred method, our goal is to show them, hey, once you've shredded debt, you've created equity, and you fund it an infinite banking policy. Now, let's figure out where do we put it. So that it's earning cash flow month after month after month, that he can either refill the bucket, right, we're gonna refill the Infinite Banking policy bucket. Or maybe you're living on it. Right at some point in time, I maintain that most professionals don't want to work for money, right? They want their money to work for them. And they'd like to work less, not more. Some of the most successful chiropractors I've met will say no, I have engineered my practice to work two or three days a week. And that's it. Right? Yep. We deal with a lot of dentists and a lot of dentists will say, I'm done working five days a week, it's the back pain and the depression. And you know, I mean, man, you think of a job that has tunnel vision. I think the only job that could have more tunnel vision than a dentist is a proctologist.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

I don't think it's the tunnel, I want to be looking down either.

Adam Carroll:

Exactly, exactly. So the the goal is that, that we should be creating massive passive permanent streams of income, so that our active income when we're adjusting, we can actually control that. And it doesn't have to be five or six days a week, it can branch it back down to five, and then four, and then three. The way we do that is by building that policy, and then putting that money to work for us. And

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

then, especially if you're a single doctor office, that that becomes really critical. And then I think that's one of the things I love about a line life is line life will help show you and give you the tools where you can build multiple offices, multiple doctors, and so it's not nice, not so heavy on you as far as seeing the patients. And this is kind of that financial vehicle, it's like, great, I have all this extra money. And after you're done investing in the things and paying off your debt or businesses, then this is a way for you to keep your money. And I think the biggest thing too, and I know we'll dive into this is like, kind of the tax benefits of this because I think one of the things that I was taught when I first got out of school was like, oh, I want a 401k and you know, my accountant, like, Oh, you want a 401k because you can write all that money off. But yeah, you pose the question earlier is like, you know, taxes, are they gonna go? Are they going to be getting higher or going or getting less in the future as we move forward?

Adam Carroll:

Yeah, it will. I mean, without question as we look to the future right now, the US government owns 30 owes $30 trillion, right. That's our our national debt. And the debt ceiling has been bandied about in Congress here over the last couple of weeks. And it will continue to be this is a every year every nine months it's gonna happen we're gonna have to raise the debt ceiling again. And, and politicians are going to squabble about what it means and are they going to do it? They have to do it. There's no question that they can't they can't not do it. So as you look into the future, the only way to pay back those liabilities would be to increase taxes. Yep. And so it's a given that 1015 20 3050 years down the road taxes will be higher than what they are today. So we should be considering investment vehicles that allow us us to have tax benefits in the future, which might mean you know, Roth IRAs versus traditional IRAs Roth 401, K's instead of traditional 401, K's, but in the sense of infinite banking, what it means is that these things are set up. So in retirement as an example, my wife and I have policies that we know, based on the projections, and how much income we're putting in how much cash value they'll have, we'll be able to pull somewhere between 75 and $90,000 a year, tax free at 60, right out of our policies to live on that amount of money. So no matter what happens with Social Security, or our investment accounts or other cash flow deals, we know that we're covered just in the income that we can pull off tax free out of these policies. And the reason I say that and emphasize tax free is you pull it out as a loan, and borrowed money, you don't pay taxes on right and the dividends from the policy, pay the loan back. So every year those dividends kick in, they pay the loan back to whatever the value is. And then we come back to the well the next year and pull out another 90,000.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah, it's so critical to have those different resources. And, you know, have a good financial advisor who's working with you and your family, especially as a young family, I think of chiropractors, like, patients coming to us, and they want us to be their guide and have such a great guide. Like I know, I've learned so much in just a couple things we've talked about, and I'm excited to work with you on a professional level that way. And so, but finding that person who understands this, who's had 20 plus years of scar tissue is crucial. I know, we still have a lot to cover, but I just like, I'm just

Adam Carroll:

Yeah, it's super powerful. I mean, I think the the takeaway to I hope for your listeners is that this truly is a long term, Outlook. And I think the going back to even the very first session that we had together, and we were talking about mindset, and money, philosophies and all that. I think one of the things that makes them the most successful, most successful is they don't look at the decisions they're making tomorrow or next week or next month, sometimes next year. It's like five years out, this is what's happening. 10 years out, this is what's happening. You gave the example of putting money away for your kids college. Had you not done that when they were young, they wouldn't have had it when they were necessarily when they were 18. Right. And that's a that's a long term deal. I'm always amazed when, you know, this is a simple example. But Christmas comes around and people are like, I don't have money budgeted for Christmas. This is an every year thing. How do you not have money set aside for this?

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Year? Yeah, right. Like and then or they pay, they spend the first quarter four months paying off their Christmas debt. I'm like, Are you like, and you're paying interest. And I know you're talking about that, like we're paying extra money on that money versus if you just reverse that you would be making that money versus your credit card making 19%. Now, on your money, that you're actually you're getting 20% more value for every dollar you spend? That's exactly right. And so, so you mentioned a couple things. So 401k a Roth, like there's a lot of different ways to invest in build wealth. And so I know we're talking a little like, we're talking about the infinite banking. And so how is that? I'm gonna say different? I don't know better, but How's it different from like, the 401k?

Adam Carroll:

Well, the 401k is, you know, it's a, it's a government created enterprise to government created vehicle, okay. The 401k was, was intended to really juice people's retirement accounts and allow them to save and plan for the future, it gave companies a benefit, because they could contribute to the 401k. And that was an expense to them. But the main difference is in your 401k, you can't really access the Money in Your 401k until you're at least 59 and a half, right? And from 59 and a half to 70 and a half, you have full rein full access, you can pull however much you want out of your 401k. After 70 and a half, there are required minimum distributions that will come out of those those accounts. So the thing I don't like about 401 K's in general, is that when the government's telling me when I can access the money, and when I can't, that creates a liquidity problem for most people. Yeah. Because what if you want to retire at 55 and you've got a majority of your funds locked up in your 401k or you've got, you know, a majority of money locked up in some other qualified retirement vehicle. If you don't have that liquidity or that cash flow, then you're going to be strapped, you're gonna be, you know, scratching your head trying to figure out where's this money gonna come from? Right? With the policy because you're building it over time and you're leveraging it to maybe invest in real estate syndications, those kinds of things. The goal is to create that passive income and at the very least, Have you never touched yours ever again, Cliff until you retire at 60. And I know you probably won't ever retire. But at 60, if you said, Hey, I, at the very least need to pull 1520 grand a year out of this thing, yeah, you couldn't be sitting there and you have full rein and access to it at any given point in time. So I think it's, it's as much about flexibility and access, because it's not this qualified vehicle. And I would just say that the majority of people out there, they don't really have an income problem, they have a liquidity problem. Because when when a great opportunity comes up, you know, it's like, hey, fit, put 50 grand in, that's when we're when I get 50 grand.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yep. One of my financial mentors, that's you said, he made most of his money off his piggy bank. He said, I just kept money in there. And then when opportunities come up, he got you bought a house on Lake Tahoe for 30 cents on the dollar. Because he could give him cash that day. Totally. And so the other thing when you pull money from your 401k, it's counted as income. Right? So then, let's say you pull out like, 100, like, like, we're talking like, 70 90,000? Like, if we pull out 100,000, we're gonna be taxed 20 to 30%. on that. That's right.

Adam Carroll:

Yeah, it again, this goes to what most people don't see, which are the two greatest expenses that we have in life, are taxes and the interest expense on debt.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

So 401k is both of those. And so you get the benefit. So the benefit of the 401 K's you're putting money in, that's pre tax, so you're not paying taxes on it going in, but you're paying it on going out unless you go with the Roth. But but that's the way I would make that gamble. If I thought taxes were gonna go down. But if they're going up, I want to play the long game. Let's pay the least amount now. So I can get the max value later. That's exactly right. so and so. So we talked about the term. So it talks about the whole life. So as we're going into this, so what so what is the process? So then how do you start this? What's the kind of game plan in this because I know you've done this a lot. So I'm going

Adam Carroll:

to share mine, and I'm going to share what some people may be may be pitched by by an agent somewhere, okay? Because it does differ just a little bit. And the main differentiator is, how premium payments are made and where it comes from and all that in the grand scheme of things. I and I think I had shared this with you before that. I don't love monthly payments. Because I think the challenge for most people is they payment themselves into a corner. Yeah, you know, if you make five grand, and you've got $4,900 A month in various payments, you're you're living paycheck to paycheck, it doesn't feel like your life is very big, because you're just working to make payments, right? And so the way that many agents will try and sell an insurance policy, be it whole life or term is they'll say, Well, monthly, it's just on the term side, and maybe like it's only 90 bucks a month, right? Nothing Right? Or it's $40 a month, and you can have this on the on the whole life policy side, particularly if you're building cash value, you may have an insurance agent, particularly if you're a doctor, they'll say, well, listen, you should be able to swing $2,500 a month to put into this policy. Yep, that would be $30,000 a year. And immediately a Doc's gonna be like she's an extra $2,500 A month seems like a lot, right, putting into this thing. And the way that we function, the way that I like to encourage people to consider infinite banking is this is a once a year deal drop money in, don't worry about it, but it becomes part of your cash flow process, which which is all part of the shred method. So what we do is we encourage you to do one premium payment, and it will be maybe on the upper end of what, what you think you can afford. And we'll talk about why that is. But for most people, I'll say Listen, can you do 10 or 15 or 20 grand a year? Let's put that into this policy. And quite often they'll say, Where would that even come from. And that's when we start really breaking down how the shred method works, which is a, you know, a unique cashflow tool that will take the money you're already making, and likely already sending to the bank in the way of mortgage payments, car loan payments, student loans, etc. And we're going to start to clawback a lot of the interest that you're paying to them, that you're keeping for yourself in the way of building equity, right for what we would call principal pay down in the mortgage as an example. So again, going back to that statement that this is really geared for someone who's somewhat advanced in the business, you've got predictable cash flow, probably still have debt. Through the shred method, what we'll do is we'll show you you're going to start eradicating your largest debts, the mortgage practice debts, student loans, etc. But we're going to leverage a line of credit to fund an infinite banking policy with 20 or $30,000 a year. You're new at one time drop in it's They're, and then we have the added benefit, we can either borrow that money back out again if we want. Or we can just refill the bucket in the line of credit through our income that's cycling through shred. Gotcha. So we make it very simple, but in the process, it looks like this cliff in what we call a 10 year freedom plan. Step one is shred. Because our goal is to free up equity to then fund infinite banking. And then through infinite banking, we're gonna look at investments like syndications where you can make massive passive permanent streams of income.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Gotcha. And so then you just roll over the money that you have in your infinite banking in your whole life plan. That's right. That's the thing that I totally missed on it. Like I got like, Okay, I do the one year payment. I'm like, I'm locking stuff with you all the way up until then I didn't maximize it. Like, I'm trying to process even what to describe that as, but it's on and on. But it's like I did all the right things. But then I didn't get the benefit at the end, essentially.

Adam Carroll:

Yeah, yeah, exactly. And, and the reality is that if you, I mean, let's use again, a raw number here. If there's $50,000 available to you. There are syndicators right now, one that I know of in particular, that a $50,000 investment, they pay a guaranteed 8% on that money. That's the first the first payday if you will, yeah, right. So 8%, paid quarterly, but that's four grand a year that you would get on that 50,000. Right. In addition, if that syndicator gets out of that investment in the next three or four or five years, generally it's a, it's a three to five year hold, you're also going to get a percentage of the back end action on the sale of that property. So your multiple wind up being like 1.8 to 1.9 times what you put in. So if you put in 50, at the end of four or five years, you'll have 95,000 that you're going to have coming back to you. So think about over a course of four or five years if you're repaying the 50 that you borrowed out on the policy. And then you've got another 95 In addition, you can see how this thing just starts to snowball on itself. That's the flywheel like just like Yeah. And it's it's arbitrage, you know, we borrow it for we make eight or nine, it which ends up being 13 at the end of the day, right? Because of the back end payout. This is where this thing really starts to gain momentum. And how people go, Oh, now I get it. Now I know why I have that money sitting there. This is the process. This is the infinite banking process that they were talking about.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

Yeah. And so as you're talking, like the couple things that come up for me, so I think if chiropractors if we're looking for a place, like to put our money and be able to use it at the same time, this is like the vehicle. Because if you're like, Okay, I want my money, and I want to be making that, you know, four to six to seven guaranteed that's already happening, you can pull that out, you can either buy a practice, find a trusted investor. And I think, you know, that's the hard part, I think it's like finding and I know you have a lot of resources, and you have a lot of people you've worked with that was our initial conversation. Yeah, then you can then on top of that 8%, and you can make another eight to 12 or 13% on top of that, and then be repaying that and then continue to grow that wealth. And then five years later, you do the same thing. And you just keep going is that the program,

Adam Carroll:

that is exactly it. And then we add one other BI turbo charge turbo boost in there, which is when you're using the shred method, because because of how your income is flowing through the line of credit, paying bills, we you know, every now and again, we drop these lump sums in places. If you're refilling the Infinite Banking bucket more often than every five years, maybe it's every year or every 18 months, you can begin to start layering these syndication investments, okay, and they get bigger and bigger and bigger over time. So within 10 years, you know, it's it's our model that most people can completely replace their their active income. Okay, just by using this model. It the first two years really 18 months to two years are shred focused. After that we're focused on building the Infinite Banking policy. And that might take a year or two in addition, and then we're immediately rolling into Okay, now let's start creating the flywheel. And by year 789 10, the flywheel is actually cashing in it because these deals are starting to circulate. They're, they're closing out of the one you are in and you can move on to the next one. And every time that happens, you go, Holy cow, this was a huge chunk of money, a huge win. In many cases, you're going to 1031 exchange the money into the next investment so you're not paying taxes on the game. Okay, so we just start to stack the benefits of these. And you know, I don't want to make a statement that may be a stretch but most advisors are not. They're thinking about how do I get more assets under management,

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

right? Because that's how they're compensated right?

Adam Carroll:

That's how they're compensated. And, again not to vilify them. That's their business model. Yeah. But the challenge is that you lose a ton of money in fees, you lose a ton of money and the fluctuations in the market, there may or may not be aware of, and in these kinds of investments, I think Robert Kiyosaki said it best that that net worth is an opinion. But cash flow is a fact. So I could look at my accounts and go Well, yeah, today, this is what my stock, my stock portfolio says it's worth. This is what E trade tells me it's worth today, right? But it's an opinion, because tomorrow, it's going to be different. Yeah. But if I know that this piece of real estate or this syndication is paying me, you know, we have one that pays us $750 A month like clockwork, and at the end of the three year term of holding it, we'll get our original investment, back plus 35,000. And it ends up being like a 14% per year return. Wow, that's guaranteed, you know, we know that's coming.

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

So, so I guess what I'm what I'm getting out of this is like, you know, there's not a lot of like guarantees in life, but like infinite banking, that was one of the reasons I originally signed up, it's like, this is guaranteed no matter what happens as long as I do my part. And so and I think it's like, sometimes I think we get this space of gambling, it's like, oh, I want on this one. So I'm gonna try that again. But like, that's not how you build wealth, you build wealth by, you know, here's some of the guarantees, or being really smart about how you're investing. And so

Adam Carroll:

there's that. Yeah. And, and to be honest, there's a lot of philosophies out there about slow and steady will, will be the dynamic investing every time. Yeah. And so there is, you know, while 6% may not seem like that's, it's that sexy, you earn 6% over the course of 50 or 60 years, and it just keeps compounding on itself. It's a lot of money. Yeah. That, in effect is what the policies are doing on their own, you add in another, you know, potential eight to 14% return. Yeah, this is like a video game, you can't lose at some point. Right. So

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

I love that. I think that's a great place to stop. And I think what I think a couple of my big takeaways is like recognize, like just like getting your health back is a process. building wealth is a process. And so understanding the process and having the right guide in your corner, that's what I like this episode really highlighted for me is like, wow, like, take your time, pick the right guide, ask the right questions, because I think a lot of times, just like when patients come into our office, they don't even know what to ask. Yeah, I think as a, as a financial consumer, there's no place where we're taught really, how to have a financial conversation. Yeah, so finding somebody like Adam and Adams company to shred method, like, leaning in on them, like somebody who's been doing it for 2025 years, just like I've been doing chiropractic for 2025 years, like, I'm like, Cool, I know how to do that. The money part, that's a whole different story, like I have enough to be dangerous, as I'm finding out today. But if you really want to be dangerous, and you know, instead of being dangerous, creating security and wealth for your family, for this generation, and generations beyond like having somebody like Adam and I are talking to Adam and talking to his company, and next time we'll talk about like the shred method, that whole thing. And we'll have an offer for you guys to connect with Adam and go to that. And all his stuff is in all the episodes we've done. So if you just want to reach out, you're like, I don't want to wait till the next episode, reach out to him. And, you know, I know you'll get a ton of value as much as I've gotten out of just our conversations.

Adam Carroll:

Well, this has been awesome cliff, I want to say congratulations to you. You've put all the pieces in place, right? I mean, you have all the tools in the garage, on the table. So it's exciting to hear that you're doing all these things. And there's one minor thing that we can tweak that that will make a massive difference. So similarly, I'll echo your sentiment, we would love to chat with anyone out there who's got questions or wants to figure out how to optimize their situation. You can find us at the shred And we've got masterclasses and free resources and all sorts of things there. But it's always a pleasure chatting with you and I know what you're doing is super valuable to your listener. So I appreciate you

Dr. Cliff Fisher:

cliff. Awesome. I appreciate you, Adam. Thanks for your genius and tribe. We will see you on the next one. And then start looking at this infinite banking reach out to Adams team. You know just start having a conversation because the sooner you can have a conversation the faster you'll have that wealth and you'll have that financial freedom and I know you know when I talk to doctors that's what they're looking for. They're not looking to retire necessarily. Some of them are but most of them are looking for that financial freedom number and you need an expert in your corner and Adam in this red come then shred method is a great company to bring that value to you and your organization. See you guys next week. Take care of tribe and we're going to be talking about the shred method.